Servers and Tests
Start development servers
The backend needs a built ui. Run
$ (cd ui && yarn build)
Start the server in development mode.
$ go run .
Start the UI development server.
Commands must be executed inside the ui directory.
$ yarn start
Open http://localhost:3000
inside your favorite browser.
The UI requires a Gotify server running on localhost:80
. This can be adjusted inside
Update Swagger spec
The gotify/server REST-API is documented via Swagger. The Swagger definition is generated via source code comments (example comment).
After changing such a source code comment, you can run the following command to update the Swagger definition.
$ make update-swagger
Execute Backend Tests
Run tests with parallelism
$ go test ./...
Run Tests with Coverage
$ make test-coverage
$ go tool cover -html=coverage.txt # get a HTML coverage report
Run Tests with Race Detector
$ make test-race
Execute UI (end2end) Tests
Build the ui because the end2end test should be run against the production build. (This needs to be done on every change in the UI)
$ (cd ui && yarn build)
Now execute the tests with yarn
$ (cd ui && yarn test)
Execute Static Checks
The following command checks the formatting and executes some linters like tslint and govet.
$ make check